About Me

I am a 47 year old woman who has lived with bipolar disorder all my life. I first recognized I had a problem when I was in the 8th grade. I went through a turbulant adolesence, which carried on into my adult life. I was finally diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder when I was about 30 years old. So needless to say, I struggled with not only my family members relationships, but with every relationship. At that time, I was a mother of two beautiful daughters. Raising two daughters with full blown bipolar illness. It wasn't easy at all. I went for inpatient hospitization when I was 32 years old when I found myself wandering the streets, barefoot and in tears. After my inpatient treatment I went on to outpatient treatment. I have to say it was the best thing I ever did in my life. After treatment my life began....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens

Not only do adults have bipolar disorder but kids and teens also have the disease.
Their are alot of children and teens who experience great depressions or a series of manic episodes. They experience the highs and lows of bipolar disorder.

When experiencing mania, alot of teenagers get the feeling that they have super powers. They have a soring high self esteem, extreme amounts of energy and don't sleep for days and don't even get tired. You will notice, an increased amount of talking, talking to much and to fast, changes in topic radically and God forbid being interrupted.

Children and teens will experience risky behavior and will abuse substances, such as drugs and alcohol. A typical symptom is sexual promiscuity.

A child will experience extreme bouts of depression, being sad and crying alot, not to mention suicide attempts and death. Kids won't be interested in activities they are usually interested in. Complaints of alot of illnesses, many physical symptoms, such as low energy, tiredness, concentration problems, eating problems, boredom, HDD, ADHD or even schizophrenia.


Anonymous said...

I think it is importan to note that children and teens do suffer from bipolar disorder. However I think in your writing you need to be careful about how you word things, or make sure you say in your articles that you are making broad generalizations. For example:
"Children and teens will experience risky behavior and will abuse substances, such as drugs and alcohol. A typical symptom is sexual promiscuity."
This is not true. Not all children or teens with bipolar disorder WILL engage in these activities. Children/teens with bipolar disorder MAY be more likely to engage in these behaviors. Bipolar disorder is a spectrum disorder that can effect each unique individual in different ways.

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