About Me

I am a 47 year old woman who has lived with bipolar disorder all my life. I first recognized I had a problem when I was in the 8th grade. I went through a turbulant adolesence, which carried on into my adult life. I was finally diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder when I was about 30 years old. So needless to say, I struggled with not only my family members relationships, but with every relationship. At that time, I was a mother of two beautiful daughters. Raising two daughters with full blown bipolar illness. It wasn't easy at all. I went for inpatient hospitization when I was 32 years old when I found myself wandering the streets, barefoot and in tears. After my inpatient treatment I went on to outpatient treatment. I have to say it was the best thing I ever did in my life. After treatment my life began....

Saturday, January 2, 2010

living with a bipolar daughter

Today is a new day!! up early and went shopping.. That's an impulse I still have of my bipolar illness. Spending money like water.

I'm dealing everyday with a bipolar daughter, her name is Stephany. Yes she's the daughter that just found out she's pregnant. She is on no medication and boy how she's a time bomb. She lives with me right now. I watch the way she goes and it's scary. Her mood can change on the dime. I try very hard to deal with her delicately, It's very hard being that I'm full blown bipolar myself.

Stephany does things that are impulsive and unimaginable. I love her dearly but I'm looking forward to day when she moves out. I need my privacy back as well as my sanity. I don't know how she's gonna do being a new mother. The boyfriend is now gone and she'll have to raise this baby on her own. It's very frustrating being involved in it all and watching the disaster happen.

Thank God for my sister's, I get alot of support from them. They deal with me and my bipolar wonderfully. Support is a very essential part of recovery when bipolar. Sometimes I wonder how I do it living with Stephany. I have strong faith and am a very strong individual. Well for whoever reads this, keep the faith and stay strong. It gets better.


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