About Me

I am a 47 year old woman who has lived with bipolar disorder all my life. I first recognized I had a problem when I was in the 8th grade. I went through a turbulant adolesence, which carried on into my adult life. I was finally diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder when I was about 30 years old. So needless to say, I struggled with not only my family members relationships, but with every relationship. At that time, I was a mother of two beautiful daughters. Raising two daughters with full blown bipolar illness. It wasn't easy at all. I went for inpatient hospitization when I was 32 years old when I found myself wandering the streets, barefoot and in tears. After my inpatient treatment I went on to outpatient treatment. I have to say it was the best thing I ever did in my life. After treatment my life began....

Friday, November 27, 2009

Feelings on Medication side effects

Take a moment and do research on the medication you are going to take.All medications your about to take have side effects. Most side effects you experience can be controlled. The most common is increased thirst and frequent urination, which can be controlled with drinking more water and evacuating more frequently. You most likely will feel as though you don't want to take a medication, like most people. Just because a side effect is listed somewhere doesn't necessarily mean your going to encounter that particular one.

All side effects depend on a persons body chemistry and the combination in which they are taking other medication. Each combinations works differently on one person opposed to the other. Some may work for one and not for the other. Some people require a huge dosage opposed to another not needing such a high dose.

If by change, your side effects you may be experiencing are not getting any better, you should consult your doctor and have him adjust your dosage or just change you altogether to another medication. This is to be evaluated by your doctor. Newer medications are formulated much differently than the older ones and tend to cause less side effects. Consult with your doctor to be closely monitored when changing a dosage or medication altogether.


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